A Basic Python Toolchain in Bazel
How to improve on the default auto-detecting Python toolchain shipped with Bazel.
Using Terraform to make my many side-projects 'pick up and play'
A post contending that Terraform is a no-brainer addition to your side-project development toolkit.
Bazel is taking over
On the Bazel build system's potential to become a category-killer.
The Bazel 'Elevator Pitch'
There's an elevator pitch for Bazel from early 2018 that I point people at and crib from so often that I thought it was well time I copied it out and put it online.
How To Ask For Help In Slack
The help-needer's and question-asker's checklist
The Books I Read - 2020
Every book I read in our COVID-19 year, with reviews.
Is an Australian Computer Science degree with no math still a Computer Science degree?
This was written in late 2018 and is only just being published, but it’s still relevant.
The Books I Read - 2019
A retrospective on my best year of reading in a decade.
Current Thoughts on Effective Altruism and My Personal Giving
Recording my thinking on commitment to donating 10% of my income.
Newsfeeds and Information Filters
We need information-filtering tools and we need them yesterday.
The ‘Fake News’ problem and its NLP ‘solutions’
Have people already started to cargo-cult NLP models? Of course they have.
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