
What's in a name? The Data Scientist vs. Machine Learning Engineer title bore.

Why has data scientist fallen out of favour, with machine learning engineer being ascendant?

How can an ML model perform highly and poorly at the same time?

An instance of unhelpful term overloading in machine learning engineering.

A Basic Python Toolchain in Bazel

How to improve on the default auto-detecting Python toolchain shipped with Bazel.

Using Terraform to make my many side-projects 'pick up and play'

A post contending that Terraform is a no-brainer addition to your side-project development toolkit.

Bazel is taking over

On the Bazel build system's potential to become a category-killer.

The Bazel 'Elevator Pitch'

There's an elevator pitch for Bazel from early 2018 that I point people at and crib from so often that I thought it was well time I copied it out and put it online.

How To Ask For Help In Slack

The help-needer's and question-asker's checklist

The Books I Read - 2020

Every book I read in our COVID-19 year, with reviews.


👋 This post is heavily inspired by

Is an Australian Computer Science degree with no math still a Computer Science degree?

This was written in late 2018 and is only just being published, but it’s still relevant.

The Books I Read - 2019

A retrospective on my best year of reading in a decade.

Current Thoughts on Effective Altruism and My Personal Giving

Recording my thinking on commitment to donating 10% of my income.

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