Technical Documentation System


👋 ⚠️ This project is experimental, and I don’t intend for it to be adopted by others until I’ve validated its usefulness and sensibility.

This documentation system exists as an experiment in providing a few features that I am coming to believe help ensure great technical documentation:

  1. Code updates and any required changes to relevant documentation can be completed in one workflow, a pull request.
    • No jumping into Confluence once a pull request is merged.
  2. Code in documentation should run. Any code shown in technical documentation has automated testing for compilation and format.
    • No copy-pasting code from docs and finding a referenced object has been removed/renamed or that there’s a missing semicolon.
  3. Code in documentation should be tested. Any code functionality shown in technical documentation can be unit or integration tested.
    • No more forgetting to update documentation when you change the behaviour of your code.

Note: This documentation system is built to integrate with the Bazel build system. 💚🌿

Usage #

This system acts a pre-processor, taking Markdown documentation files as input, converting special references to code targets into ‘materialised’ code blocks and returning Markdown files as output.

During pre-processing, the Bazel build system can also run tests and other checks on referenced code, as referenced code just a target in the build graph.

To provide this functionality, technical-documentation-system exposes the technical_documents Bazel rule:

    name = "doc_1",
    inputs = [""],
    references = [

For detailed documentation of the rule, see:

Basic Static Documentation Webserver. #

While the system is designed to be agnostic of the particular documentation framework used, a minimal ‘render and serve’ engine is provided. It is exposed via the technical_documentation_website Bazel rule:

    name = "all_docs",
    srcs = {
        "//:doc_1": "/foo"  # <key = document> : <value = position in website's doc-tree>

Use bazel run //path/to:all_docs to run the minimal document server at localhost:8000. 🚀

Any Markdown documents in //:doc_1 will be served under /foo/, eg. localhost/foo/

Installation #

👋 NOTE: These installation instructions are only relevant once this code is moved to its own repo.

The project has no dependencies, so it’s easy to install in your Bazel WORKSPACE:

tech_docs_system_version = "<some git-sha>"

    name = "technical_documentation_system",
    sha256 = "",
    strip_prefix = "technical-documentation-system-{version}".format(version = tech_docs_system_version),
    url = "{version}.tar.gz".format(
        version = tech_docs_system_version,

Development #

Build #

bazel build //...

Test #

bazel test //...