
Shell Lab #

Contents #

  • Files downloaded from CS:APP website as shlab-handout.tar, and listed below in the original README contents

Lab Assignment Write-Up #

This write-up is pretty helpful for even those doing self-study. Read through it to learn how to approach this lab’s problem.

Original #

This section is copied from It was modified only to conform to standard Markdown formatting.

It is not particularly useful for people doing self-study, but is reproduced here anyway.

# CS:APP Shell Lab
# Directions to Instructors
# Copyright (c) 2002, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron, All rights reserved.
# May not be used, modified, or copied without permission.

This directory contains the files that you will need to run the CS:APP shell lab. The lab is the student’s first experience with systems-level programming, and teaches them about processes, process control, and signals.

1. Overview #

In this lab, students build a simple Unix shell with job control. They are given a skeleton called tsh.c (Tiny Shell) that implements some of the less interesting functions, and are then asked to implement the functions and signal handlers that provide job control.

Students evaluate the functionality of their shells using a trace-driven driver program called

The reference solution is in ./src/tsh.c

2. Files #

  • grade/ Autograding scripts
  • shlab-handout/ Handout directory that is given to the students
  • src/ Trace-driven driver program
  • writeup/ Sample Latex lab writeup

3. Building the Lab #

To build the lab, modify the Latex lab writeup in ./writeup/shlab.tex for your environment. Then type the following in the current directory:

unix> make clean
unix> make 

The Makefile generates the driver code, formats the lab writeup, and then copies the driver code to the shlab-handout directory. Finally, it builds a tarfile of the shlab-handout directory (in shlab-handout.tar) which you can distribute to students. The command:

unix> make dist DEST=<DIR>

will copy the tarfile and copies of the writeup to directory

, where the students can access it.

4. Autograding the Lab #

There is an autograding script that automatically grades the lab. See ./grade/README for instructions.