Computer Systems App

Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective #

I worked through this textbook as part of the program.

Contents #

  1. Twelve chapter_* folders containing code the solves the ‘homework problems’ (and sometimes ‘practice problems’) from the respective chapter.
  2. The labs/ folder, which contains the 9 labs provided with the CS:APP textbook.

“Test your code on multiple machines” #

Parts of the textbook (eg. chapter two) are interested in the low-level computer architectural differences between different machines, like 32-bit vs. 64-bit architectures, and little-endian vs. big-endian.

Homework exercises and practice problems sometimes ask you to “test your code on multiple machines”, as if we’ve all got multiple computers with different architectures easily accessible.

Below is a table of different platform and whether I’ve figured how to easily run this repo’s code on them:

PlatformWord SizeEndian-nessHow ToNotes
Linux 64-bit64LittleUse Github CodespacesThe .devcontainer configures the Github Codespace automatically
Linux 32-bit32Little🚧 Dunno yet
OSX 64-bit64LittleI use my personal laptop, which is 64-bit by default.
Windows64Little🚧 Dunno yet
Sun (Solaris)64BigUse ‘Oracle Solaris 11.4’ Image on Oracle Public CloudBazel will not be useable.