A Basic Python Toolchain in Bazel

This toolchain was banged together very quickly and isn't thorough reviewed or tested. Treat the following content as educational and possibly helpful in setting up your own toolchain solution and not as a 'ready-made' toolchain.

Here’s how to quickly setup a basic hermetic Python toolchain in Bazel. The default Bazel toolchain used in bazelbuild/rules_python is the ‘autodetecting toolchain’, called @bazel_tools//tools/python:_autodetecting_py_runtime_pair. You probably don’t want to use it, as it is completely non-hermetic and leads to a number of frustrating user issues. Quite a few Github issues created on the rules_python project can be traced back to this default leaky setup. It is non-hermetic because the auto-detecting toolchain looks for the Python interpreter on your $PATH. Your path includes the system Python, anything stuck in there by Homebrew or PyEnv, and god knows what else. You want to get Bazel to use a hermetic Python toolchain, a toolchain that is closed off and leaves the interpreter strictly versioned and protected from unwanted interference. Let’s try for that.

If you don't know what a Bazel toolchain is and how it's useful, spend 15 minutes reading through docs.bazel.build - Toolchains

At work we use Nix and Nixpkgs to pull in a hermetic toolchain, but offering Nix as a solution to people already wrestling with the complex Bazel system is just cruel. Nix is too much. It’s a full reproducible package building ecosystem and our problem is just to setup a single Python interpreter that can install packages and run programs and lets us get back to writing application code that makes our users happy.

This basic toolchain setup just involves:

  1. Using Starlark to download a Python interpreter: a bit of custom Starlark to download and unpack a standalone Python interpreter.gi
  2. Defining the toolchain: a BUILD.bazel file to define our a py_runtime and pass it into Bazel’s toolchain setup rule.
  3. Registering the toolchain: the registration of this new toolchain with Bazel’s toolchain resolution system.

I have defined the custom Starlark .bzl module and the BUILD file in the same Bazel package: //tools/build/bazel/py_toolchain. So we’ll have:

  • tools/build/bazel/py_toolchain/py_interpreter.bzl
  • tools/build/bazel/py_toolchain/BUILD.bazel

Warning: Missing hermeticity

The standalone Python interpreter is downloaded in the "zstd" compression format, and thus you'll need to have the zstd binary already present on the machine running Bazel. This is annoying, and certainly not a Bazel best-practice. I think the most obvious improvement to the situation would be to host pre-built binaries of zstd and download them during the repository rule's execution.

Using Starlark to download a Python interpreter

The py_interpreter.bzl module will define a repository rule that executes at WORKSPACE evaluation time to produce an external Bazel repository with two Bazel targets:

  1. :interpreter - a ‘filegroup’ rule exposing a single file, the executable interpreter binary.
  2. :files - also a ‘filegroup’ rule, containing a bunch of files that a needed by the interpreter, such as C header files, the stdlib modules, and other stuff.

These get used to create a py_runtime target, which is a special Bazel rule that “Represents a Python runtime used to execute Python code.”

The Python distribution we’ll download is released by Gregoy Szorc under the python-build-standalone project. The project releases “self-contained, highly-portable Python distributions” which sounds perfectly suitable for us as a download-and-run hermetic Python toolchain.

The high-level logic of the repository rule is as follow:

  1. Figure out what OS platform we’re running on and if the rule supports it.
  2. If yes, fetch a python-build-standalone distribution and unpack it into an external Bazel repository created by the instantiation of our named repository rule.
  3. Create a BUILD.bazel file with the :interpreter and :files targets so that the files sitting in that external repository can be used in the WORKSPACE.

Pretty simple. Without further ado, here’s the module:

# py_interpreter.bzl
OSX_OS_NAME = "mac os x"
LINUX_OS_NAME = "linux"

def _python_build_standalone_interpreter_impl(repository_ctx):
    os_name = repository_ctx.os.name.lower()

    # TODO(Jonathon): This can't differentiate ARM (Mac M1) from old x86.
    # TODO(Jonathon: Support Windows.
    if os_name == OSX_OS_NAME:
        url = "https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20210228/cpython-3.8.8-x86_64-apple-darwin-pgo+lto-20210228T1503.tar.zst"
        integrity_shasum = "4c859311dfd677e4a67a2c590ff39040e76b97b8be43ef236e3c924bff4c67d2"
    elif os_name == LINUX_OS_NAME:
        url = "https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20210228/cpython-3.8.8-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-pgo+lto-20210228T1503.tar.zst"
        integrity_shasum = "74c9067b363758e501434a02af87047de46085148e673547214526da6e2b2155"
        fail("OS '{}' is not supported.".format(os_name))

    # TODO(Jonathon): Just use download_and_extract when it supports zstd. https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/pull/11968
        url = [url],
        sha256 = integrity_shasum,
        output = "python.tar.zst",

    # TODO(Jonathon): NOT HERMETIC. Need to install 'unzstd' in rule and use it.
    unzstd_bin_path = repository_ctx.which("unzstd")
    if unzstd_bin_path == None:
        fail("On OSX and Linux this Python toolchain requires that the zstd and unzstd exes are available on the $PATH, but it was not found.")

    # NOTE: *Not Hermetic*. Need to install 'unzstd' in rule and use it.
    res = repository_ctx.execute([unzstd_bin_path, "python.tar.zst"])

    if res.return_code:
        fail("Error decompressing with zstd" + res.stdout + res.stderr)

    repository_ctx.extract(archive = "python.tar")

    # NOTE: 'json' library is only available in Bazel 4.*.
    python_build_data = json.decode(repository_ctx.read("python/PYTHON.json"))

    name = "files",
    srcs = glob(["install/**"], exclude = ["**/* *"]),
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

    name = "interpreter",
    srcs = ["python/{interpreter_path}"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
""".format(interpreter_path = python_build_data["python_exe"])

    repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", BUILD_FILE_CONTENT)
    return None

python_build_standalone_interpreter = repository_rule(
    implementation = _python_build_standalone_interpreter_impl,
    attrs = {},

Defining the toolchain

Now that we have the two new targets we can set up the build targets that fulfil the Python toolchain contract.

# BUILD.bazel
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_runtime_pair")

    name = "python3_runtime",
    files = ["@python_interpreter//:files"],
    interpreter = "@python_interpreter//:interpreter",
    python_version = "PY3",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

    name = "py_runtime",
    py2_runtime = None,
    py3_runtime = ":python3_runtime",

    name = "py_toolchain",
    toolchain = ":py_runtime",
    toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain_type",

Register the toolchain

The final step is to instantiate the interpreter and register our new toolchain in the WORKSPACE file.

load("//tools/build/bazel/py_toolchain:py_interpreter.bzl", "python_build_standalone_interpreter")

    name = "python_interpreter",


After doing this, our toolchain will be used in all py_* targets. If you use the rules_python project’s pip_install rule you should also use the python_interpreter_target attribute to have the interpreter used in package installation be identical to your build target intepreter:

   name = "pypi",
   requirements = "//:requirements.txt",
   python_interpreter_target = "@python_interpreter//:python/install/bin/python3.8"

Note that this has to reference the specific Python interpreter file, not the filegroup target, and that’s a little janky, but it’s the best option we’ve got.


With that all set up, I’m able to install packages like numpy and pytorch to use them in a py_binary target, with everything using the Python 3.8.8 interpreter defined in our toolchain. It’s a decent start.

I’m currently test-driving this in the github.com/thundergolfer/example-bazel-monorepo repository if you want to try it out.

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